Adult Life Recovery

Harbours Gate Adult Life Recovery serves to bring hope to those who have lost hope. Whether the issue is addiction, mental health, abusive relationships, lack of education, unemployment, legal problems or housing – we stand ready with the resources and tools to help you overcome.

For the addict or alcoholic, we offer a variety of steps programs, individual counseling and no-cost long-term treatment centers.

For mental health, we have low- to no-cost therapy and psychiatric professionals ready to assist.

For abusive relationships, we have access to safe houses with professional counselors for women and women with children.

For unemployment ,we have employers willing to hire, in most cases regardless of past issues with addiction or legal issues.

For legal issues, we have access to pro-bono legal aid with experienced attorneys.

For housing, we have contacts throughout the local area which may have ways to help secure a more functional living situation.

Our goal is to come along side with you and guide you to a more purpose-filled life through self empowerment. We do not offer a hand out. We extend a hand up.

For more information please contact us.